

  • DATABASE BASICS, 1st level, winter semester
    Course description: In this course students learn about database basics. The course content includes: SUPB architecture (main components), data storage (primary, secondary and tertiary storage, RAID), data organization and indexing (sequential and ordered files, Hash files, ISAM index, B+ tree index), data models (relational data model, XML model), data querying (relational algebra, SQL, QBE, xQuery), database design (conceptual, relational and physical modeling), data warehouse (basic concepts and design), noSQL (basics).
  • INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT, 1st level, winter semester
    Course description: In this course students are thought about information systems development. Focus is on the aspects that are known as very important for the successful development and implementation of information technology in human enterprises. The course content includes: types of information systems, software development life-cycle, software development process and methodologies (structural, object-oriented, and a little bit of light and agile approaches), key phases of the information system development (requirements acquisition and specification, analysis, design, testing, deployment) and their techniques and approaches.


  • WEB INFORMATION EXTRACTION AND RETRIEVAL, 2nd level, summer semester‬‬‬‬‬‬
    Course description: This course is about retrieving information from unstructured and semi-stuructured text, including the Web as one of the largest databases. The following topics will be covered: Information Retrieval and Web Search (Basic Concepts of Information Retrieval, Information Retrieval Models, Relevance Feedback, Evaluation Measures…), Web Crawling (Crawler Algorithms, Crawler types), Structured Data Extraction (Wrappers, String Matching and Tree Matching, Multiple Alignment, Building DOM Trees…), Information Integration, Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis.

For more info and up-to-date news on the courses visit e-učilnica.